

  • 專長
  • 現職
    捷思身心醫學診所 負責人
  • 合作類型
    企業培訓講座, 單一產品合作, 廣告影片合作, 整體品牌合作, 社群媒體直播, 衛教影片合作, 衛教文案合作, 電視節目通告

  • 臺北市立聯合醫院松德院區住院醫師、教學總醫師
  • 高雄醫學大學附設中和醫院實習醫師
  • 國立臺灣科技大學企業管理系兼任講師
  • 臺灣精神科專科醫師
  • 臺灣老年精神專科醫師
  • 臺灣成癮醫學專科醫師
  • 臺大醫院老年醫學部研究醫師
  • 臺北醫學大學精神科身心醫學及認知行為治療照會研修醫師
  • 臺灣臨床失智症學會會員
  • 臺灣生物精神醫學暨神經精神藥理學學會會員
  • 國立臺灣大學公共衛生碩士班
  • 高雄醫學大學醫學系畢業

1. Excess incidence and risk factors for recurrent pneumonia in bipolar disorder. MS Li, GCL Hung, SY Yang, CH Pan, YT Liao, SY Tsai, CC Chen, CJ Kuo. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 72 (5), 337-348, 2018

2. Identification and medical utilization of incident cases of alcohol dependence: A population-based case-control study. CH Pan, MS Li*, TW Yang, MC Huang, SS Su, YN Hung*, CC Chen, CJ Kuo*. Drug and alcohol dependence 188, 216-223, 2018. *Corresponding author

3. Rapid onset of hypomania associated with transcranial direct current stimulation in a patient with bipolar depression. MS Li, YY Chen, GCL Hung. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research.

4. Capturing depression with your smartphone: Validity and utilization of iHOPE for depressed patients in Taiwan. GCL Hung, MS Li, YL Chen, JH Chiang. European Psychiatry 33, S283, 2016

5. Smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment for Chinese patients with depression: An exploratory study in Taiwan. S Hung*, MS Li*, YL Chen, JH Chiang, YY Chen, GCL Hung. Asian journal of psychiatry 23, 131-136, 2016. *First author

6. Delayed Effect of Bifrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression. MS Li, HC Chu, YY Liao, GCL Hung. BMC Psychiatry, in press.

  • 臺北市立聯合醫院松德院區住院醫師、教學總醫師
  • 高雄醫學大學附設中和醫院實習醫師
  • 國立臺灣科技大學企業管理系兼任講師
  • 臺灣精神科專科醫師
  • 臺灣老年精神專科醫師
  • 臺灣成癮醫學專科醫師
  • 臺大醫院老年醫學部研究醫師
  • 臺北醫學大學精神科身心醫學及認知行為治療照會研修醫師
  • 臺灣臨床失智症學會會員
  • 臺灣生物精神醫學暨神經精神藥理學學會會員
  • 國立臺灣大學公共衛生碩士班
  • 高雄醫學大學醫學系畢業

1. Excess incidence and risk factors for recurrent pneumonia in bipolar disorder. MS Li, GCL Hung, SY Yang, CH Pan, YT Liao, SY Tsai, CC Chen, CJ Kuo. Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 72 (5), 337-348, 2018

2. Identification and medical utilization of incident cases of alcohol dependence: A population-based case-control study. CH Pan, MS Li*, TW Yang, MC Huang, SS Su, YN Hung*, CC Chen, CJ Kuo*. Drug and alcohol dependence 188, 216-223, 2018. *Corresponding author

3. Rapid onset of hypomania associated with transcranial direct current stimulation in a patient with bipolar depression. MS Li, YY Chen, GCL Hung. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research.

4. Capturing depression with your smartphone: Validity and utilization of iHOPE for depressed patients in Taiwan. GCL Hung, MS Li, YL Chen, JH Chiang. European Psychiatry 33, S283, 2016

5. Smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment for Chinese patients with depression: An exploratory study in Taiwan. S Hung*, MS Li*, YL Chen, JH Chiang, YY Chen, GCL Hung. Asian journal of psychiatry 23, 131-136, 2016. *First author

6. Delayed Effect of Bifrontal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression. MS Li, HC Chu, YY Liao, GCL Hung. BMC Psychiatry, in press.